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Event and News


April 23, 2019

Full Professor Promotion in FMIPA UI

















Earlier today, our supervisor, Dr. Ivandini T. A. was promoted to be a full Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. In regards to this occassion,  Prof. Dr. Ivandini delivered the speech about Diamond-based material as a superior device for application in monitoring health and environment, also for storage and energy production. 


Congratulation Prof. Dr. Ivandini T.A, S.Si, M.Si. for your achievement. We hope you always spread your good vibes and keep up your excellent work! We'll waiting for your brilliant achievement in the future:)

February 01, 2019

Departure of Our Research Assistant

Our beloved research assistant will leave our lab, he is

- Muhammad Buchari Satia Putra


and he will be replaced with

- Hanzhola Gusman Riyanto



Wish he all the best, always gifted health and success on his future!

September 14, 2018

Our Lab Research Assistant's Achievement at Methohm Young Chemist Award 2018
























Our lab research assistant, Tri Yuliani (on the right of the photo) had successfully won this competition as 3rd winner and she was participated in this prestigious competition with the research entitled:


"Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) of Ni(OH)2 Nanoparticles and Its Application Study for Strip Test Immumochromatographic to Melamine Detection"


Congratulations to you Tri! So proud to having you in this group! and thank you for Metrohm Indonesia who held this event!

September 01, 2018

Our lab member's Achievement at 31th PIMNAS














Our member has been selected as a delegate from Universitas Indonesia to PIMNAS (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional). They participated in this prestigious competition on 3 days and successfully won the bronze medal. They are:

- Nadiatus Silmi

- Shella Jeniferiani Willyam

and also one of their team is from another lab

-Redita Ayu (From NIC lab)


Congratulations to you! So proud to having you in this group!

August 28, 2018

Presentation at 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Liverpool, England

















On this day our beloved supervisor gave the presentation on the 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress that held in Liverpool, England.

August 25, 2018

Departure of Our Research Assistants

Our beloved research assistants will go to South Korea to continue their study as a doctoral student. They are:

- Putu Udiyani Prayika Putri (Pusan National University)

- Shafrizal Rasyid Atriardi (University of Ulsan)


and the new research assistants are:

- Muhammad Buchari Satia Putra

- Tri Yuliani

- Yulia Mariana Tesa Ayudia Putri


Wish their all the best, always gifted health and success on their educations!

August 13, 2018

Prof. Tae Hyun Yoon and Prof. Youngil Lee visit our lab















In this day, We have a special guest from South Korea, they are

Prof Tae Hyun Yoon (Hanyang University)

Prof Youngil Lee (University of Ulsan)


Welcome to Indonesia, and also welcome to our lab, Prof!

August 30, 2018

Graduation of Students

Students who will be graduated are:

- Aprilia Inggri (M.Si.)

- Asman Kumik (M.Si.)

- Paulus Perdamean R S (M.Si.)

- Yuris Diksy (M.Si.)

- Arya Maulana (S.Si.)

- Listya Eka Anggraini (S.Si.)

- Millati Hanifah (S.Si.)

- Muhammad Irsyad Amzy (S.Si.)

- Puti Rahmi Arief (S.Si.)

- Rani Puspitasari A (S.Si.)

- Tia Agustiany (S.Si.)


Graduate ceremony will be held at:

Balairung UI, start from 13 pm.

February 22, 2018

Departure of Our Research Assistants

Our beloved research assistants will go to South Korea to continue their study as a master student. They are:

- Hanif Mubarok (University of Ulsan)

- Khoirul Umam (University of Ulsan)

- Respati Kevin Prama Dewandaru (University of Ulsan)


also Former BCG member

-Tiara Nur Annisa (University of Ulsan)


and the new research assistants are:

- Muhammad Sadewo P L

- Putu Udiyani Prayika Putri

- Shafrizal Rasyid Atriardi


Wish their all the best, always gifted health and success on their educations!

January 28, 2018

Our Supervisor's Birthday

Celebrating our supervisor's birthday with our new member. Wish her all the best :)

February 02, 2018

Undergraduate Students Graduation

Students who will be graduated are:

-Anghel Dennis Kurniawan (S.Si.)

-Dian Tri Lestarini (S.Si.)

-Reyhan Puji Putranto (S.Si.)

-Shafrizal Rasyid Atriardi (S.Si.)

-Yulia Mariana Tesa Ayudia Putri (S.Si.)


Graduate ceremony will be held at:

Balairung UI, start from 13 pm.

October 23, 2017

Website Launching

Our website is officially launching today! We hope for further great improvement and information from and to this research group.

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